Healthwatch Brighton and Hove Magazine March 2016
We hope you will enjoy the March edition of the Healthwatch Magazine - your monthly update on health and wellbeing, including the NEW Cancer Health promotion and Awareness booklet – “Speak Up Against Cancer!" produced by Albion in the Community.
[Speak Up Against Cancer! Booklet PDF](
The Magazine can be found on our website by clicking: [](
This month we have:
• a call for stories on waiting times at the Royal Sussex County Hospital;
• information on the Care Quality Commission inspections at:
- Royal Sussex County Hospital (Brighton);
- Princess Royal Hospital (Haywards Health);and
- services provided by South East Coast Ambulance Trust NHS Foundation Trust, including ambulance services.
• information on a new Sussex Patient Transport Service.
If you would like to look at previous versions of the magazine, please click: [](
Some other useful information which we didn’t manage to fit in this time:
• Press release: Healthwatch Brighton and Hove calls for more transparency on waiting times: [](
• Information on useful event for people with conditions such as back, hip, or shoulder pain, osteoporosis or arthritis! []( )
Healthwatch Brighton and Hove Team
Help save A&E for saving lives - use alternative urgent care services for non-emergencies! There is much more available than you think, just click here to find out more: [](