Annual General Meeting
**The Woodingdean Tenants & Residents Association - Annual General Meeting**
To be held on Thursday 11 February 2016 at 7.30pm. It will be held at the Woodingdean Community Centre.
Do come and listen, discuss, get involved and ask questions to the services that support Woodingdean.
**SGT James Ward**, from **Brighton Police**, will answer residents' questions.
**Help for communities - Garry Collins** from Brighton & Hove City Council will discuss the future of helping community Local Action Teams.
**Befriending and Social Isolation - Julia Reddaway** from Brighton & Hove City Council Fairness Commission will talk about the City-wide initiative.
**Woodingdean Neighbourhood Watch - JP Amos** will answer questions and talk about the plans for 2016.
**All Woodingdean Residents welcome**